The Final Song: Drakengard 3

Drakengard 3, also known as Drag-On Dragoon 3 in Japan, is a masterpiece of a game.

Drakengard 3 title screen Hey, this kinda looks familiar…

Actually, it was a terrible game when it was shipped out on the Playstation 3 nearly ten years ago. Standing in an area with no enemies nets you a whopping 25 frames per second; this number, somehow, plummets as soon as you engage in combat. The gameplay is sluggish and repetitive, and there isn’t too much variation in enemy design. Metacritic gives it a 61 out of 100.

But it’s really, really good. Trust me, guys.

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Dungeon Dive

I’ve always had trouble ranking things that I like (and also things that I dislike). Usually I’m so easy to please that anything that gets a positive reaction out of me gets slotted into my brain as “super favorite”. I’m a simple man in that way.

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Water Your Sprouts

In the final “installment” of this small series I’ve started (without meaning to; it seems I just talk way too much), here’s just some personal anecdotes about sprouts I’ve encountered in Final Fantasy XIV lately.

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Eorzea Missed Connections

I mentioned in yesterday’s post about wanting to talk about specifically why I was inspired to become a Mentor in Final Fantasy XIV. Now, I know you don’t need the crown to help people, and I certainly try to help others as much as I’m able to as it stands currently. I actually don’t know if the guy I’m about to talk about was even a proper Mentor, but that’s neither here nor there, since he was the first really good interaction I had in the game that stood out to me.

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Burger King Crowning Achievment

After several years of on and off playing, I am nearing 1100 Commendations in Final Fantasy XIV.

For those that aren’t aware, one needs 1500 of these bad boys in order to be christened with a Burger King crown–I mean, given the coveted title of “Mentor”. There are a few other requirements: You have to complete 1000 or more instances, such as dungeons, and you have to complete a role quest for each of the main roles for Endwalker (Tank, Healer, and one DPS).

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