
Most people online call me Byleth. Nearly 30, I use masculine pronouns (he/him). Because it may be relevant to certain interpretations, I am both bisexual and a trans man.

This site is a collection of my thoughts, feelings, critiques, and woes about video games that I enjoy (or don’t). I enjoy lore, so expect dives into world building and how the story intersects with the gameplay of any particular game.

I play a lot of Final Fantasy XIV… like… a lot. That will be my main focus, though other games may appear every so often. For instance, I’m also a big fan of Drakengard/NieR. You can find a list of games I’ve played or will play sometime in the future on Backloggd.

You can find me on the Fediverse or Tumblr, though the latter is more personal and generally just is a bunch of art reblogs.

Feel free to reach out if you need anything.

With love, Byleth