Brand New Day

I’ve decided to start writing a blog.

For the last few months I’ve been considering it. I like to write, even if it’s majority original fiction that never sees the light of day (but it’s still fun). But I’ve never been one to talk about myself, really. So for those last few months, I was at an impasse. After all, no matter what I blog about, I’m still writing about my own thoughts, aren’t I? Would anyone even read what I wrote? What would I write about anyway?

Recently, I’ve been on an “owning my space again” kick. After almost four years of using a certain music streaming service, I canceled my subscription half a year ago and have moved back to physical CDs or, failing that, storing the music I have downloaded in at least two places. I quit a certain bird site for good, for the second time, but mean it now, finding that my mental health has never been better. In its place, I joined Mastodon (and you should, too, if you haven’t already) and generally find the people in my local “neighborhood” to be much friendlier and relevant to my interests. On and off, I’ve been doing more physical crafts with my hands (my latest escapade was seeing how I enjoyed using resin), logging off entirely. I’ve also been reading a lot more again, whether it’s with audiobooks, e-books, or physical ones, reconnecting with my favorite pastime from my childhood after a decade and a half.

As one might be able to guess, I’m thriving.

Despite all this, though, I’d been growing more and more irritated with how many companies nowadays want to see me as a product. In a sense, blogging is just another thing for me to “own” for myself. I’m able to take back my own words, able to reach others but also to record my thoughts in a semi-professional manner.

Still–I made the mistake of looking up “blogging tips” prior to the beginning of this post. Too many listicles came up, detailing how I can grow my audience and excel in SEO. I’m not particularly interested in growing an audience, however; just as I don’t want to be seen as a product for the CEOs of today, my thoughts and opinions shouldn’t be a product to be sold to people.

That’s not to say I disagree with people who blog for a living, of course. Who knows? Maybe down the line, it will become more than just a hobby, an outlet, for me. But for now, I’d be content even if one person reads my writing. (It will still be fun, even if no one reads.)

Another reason I have been wanting to start a blog is that I have a really, really poor memory. Without going too much into details, there are things that I wrote on my Tumblr or had told my friends only a week ago, and when I scroll back to read them again, I think to myself “there is no way that was me”.

It has to be me, though, right? Of course. I recognize this logic, even if I don’t recognize the words themselves. Even if I have no recollection of opening a document or group chat, there still exists a record that I exist.

So, my two hopes for blogging are as follows:

  • Keep a record of my thoughts, both for my own memory and for others to read and discuss, and
  • Strengthen my memory by having to recall my feelings on a particular subject on a regular basis.

I aim to write at least one post a week, at this time, though other posts might be published sporadically. Eventually, again, who knows? Maybe I will begin to regularly post twice a week, or thrice a week, or even every day…

But what will the posts be about?

That’s a good question.

For the short answer: Video games.

The long answer is also “video games,” but in a more complicated way. As I said above, I’m not particularly interested in growing an audience, so I have no one focus other than to write about the things I like, which are primarily video games.

I don’t want to be a “game journalist”. There’s nothing wrong with that–it just isn’t me. I’m interested in lore and world building, as well as how the lore interacts with the gameplay in any particular game.

Final Fantasy XIV is one of my current favorite games, and the good thing about having an MMO as a favorite game is that there’s a wealth of content that updates regularly (no matter what some people say about it having a “dry spell” right now). In fact, this Tuesday the 18th, the new 6.45 patch will be released, and more things will be added to the game (one of which is the new Variant Dungeon, which I’m very interested in).

Mt. Rokkon preview screen Hancock is my favorite fantasy capitalist. What a guy.

There are other games I want to write about, too. But it’s hard to single in on any one topic, definitively. I can’t say “I am going to write about X” because there will always be the off-chance I will start writing about Y down the line.

And I think that’s okay. Like there are variety streamers, I’ll be a variety writer.

What is the meaning of “Saint Byleth”?

Byleth, or Beleth, is the name of a demon in the Ars Goetia. For a few years now I’ve been using it as a moniker online because I like the way it sounds. In one of my original worlds, the Saint Byleth is a deity who had created said world, revered by all.

In other words, there’s really no particular, deeper meaning, other than I think it sounds nice and is one of my characters.

“The Lesser Key of St. Byleth” is the same.

So what will be the first real post?

Yes, this is just an introductory post, meant to serve as a little background to my reasons for starting a blog. (I don’t even think there needs to be a specific reason for anyone to start a blog, but I wanted to write this out to serve as better accountability for myself.)

I won’t count this as my “one post a week” post. That would be far too easy, and I’d be liable to forget I have to write next week… To better form the habit, I’ll have a post written “by Friday”.

Actually, I think this will be a good goal for me to aim for: One post by every Friday. This allows some leeway between work and other obligations and/or hobbies, while still providing a “soft deadline” for myself without being too pressuring.

As for the contents of the first “real” post, I’m undecided. As mentioned, the new Variant Dungeon is coming out, and I want to play it, but… It may take some time to collect all the endings. However, I recently finished the Sorrow of Werlyt quests and have a good many thoughts and critiques. It’s looking like that will be the first topic, but I make no specific promises.

I hope that you will look forward to it either way.

With love, Byleth

P.S. I was told about Blaugust by my friends on How coincidental! I intend to take part in it. You should too!

P.P.S. Did you know Final Fantasy XIV has a free trial up to level 60, including the first expansion Heavensward? EDIT: NOW UP TO STORMBLOOD BABY LET’S GOOO!!!

P.P.P.S. I apologize if this post sounds a bit chaotic, for lack of a better term. While I’m confident in my original fiction writing voice, I’m less so in a voice like this. I’ll grow into it, though.
